kozek hörlonski

level zer0-8

MAK Depot of Contemporary Art Gefechtsturm Arenbergpark, Vienna 2007

Scuplture, Drawing, Video
in the exhibition UN_SPACE – paraflows 07

curated by Judith Fegerl and Günther Friesinger, www.paraflows.at

The centre and starting point of level zer0-8 are the experiences of a person who spend, as an unborn, quite some time during the Second World War at the Arenberg Flak Tower.
Elliptic, ell-wide capsules are placed in an adjoining, cheaply wainscoted room on the entrance level. Patterns of floors are drawn on the walls. Parraffin objects can be found throughout the exhibition, even in unexpected places such as hidden corners of the tower. The places are selected by a person whos mother had taken refuge with her at the flak tower during the war. Fictive elements meet real emotional layers as a kind of symbolic marking of the tower. The objects are installed at intersecting reminiscence points which are video documented as well.
